April 07, 2009

a day of a fire fighter

finally I can take a breath after work, really busy day, I was just like a fire fighter to run at first and rush at front line, then put out the fire until everybody safe and everything back to control. It is always good feeling to make everything back to order, I enjoy the relaxation after heavy work, nice, nice!

the pleasant relation with him keeps going, no conflict and arguement for quite some days, miracle:-)). I try to be understanding, considerate, sweet, gentle even hummerous to him, and he tries to spend more time and concern to me. I know currently both of us have no ability to change the reality, but at least we try to share more happiness instead of frustration. I confess I cannot accept the life without him, but I also cannot keep current relation, hopefully an inspiration will jump into my brain in soonest future.

I always ask myself if I should use more or less brain in a partnership, it is really difficult to answer, because if use less I can enjoy more pure fun, but if I use more then I can avoid some potential pain or hurt, so how I can choose?

Is it true that no pain no fun for love?

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